Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oh Hey

So, I realize that it's been a very long time since I've written here, but I've been spending a lot of time on this old blog and looking up old recipes. I then decided that it would be good to come back and check in with anyone who actually looks at his or her blog feed... :-)

Well, I have to say the biggest thing that's happened is...

Brand New
Newborn Shoot
One month!
Twins fan!
Mommy's little Packer
Two months!
Three months!
Thanksgiving and four generations!
All bundled up
Four months!
Opening my presents
Daddy will not sway me to the dark side...
First (real) snow at five months!

Little Discovery is almost 6 months old now! CRAZY!

I haven't had as much time to cook lately, but there have been some yummy things made in our house. I had Mr. Discovery take pictures, so I will be sure to post those later. I really would like to do this blog thing again. :-)

Well, it's about time to hunker down and brave this big snowstorm headed our way! :-) Good luck to you all if you are facing the same!