Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Only a few more days!

Well, the school year is winding down and the kids are winding up. As we say at MHS, the natives are restless... and that includes the teachers. I am looking forward to several things that will come along with the summer such as early morning runs, scrapbooking with my Cricut, reading the GIANT stack of magazines on my coffee table, cleaning this dump up, cooking new recipes and old, and NOT driving an hour one way to work several times a week.

I promise that when the summer comes in just a few short weeks, I'll have plenty to say. :-) Enjoy the ever-warming weather and a few pictures from my last race, Run For Their Lives 5k. The race proceeds went to Freedom 4/24, which is an organization that is fighting to stop sex slavery in Thailand and other countries. I got a great new PR of 28.22, which I was thrilled about! I was 63/218 and 35/149 for women. They didn't do age groups.

My BFF at school- a total lifesaver!